I accept responsibility for the emissions I cause


To understand my emissions, I divide them between five categories. I accept responsibility for my emissions from each of these categories. And I commit to reduce my greenhouse gas emissions across all areas of my life.

  • my use of energy

    My use of gasoline, electricity, natural gas and other sources of energy is a first place to work to reduce my emissions. The best place to start.

  • my goods & services

    The goods & services I purchase account for a large portion of the emissions I cause. Accepting responsibility for this category is fully in my control and easily ignored.

  • my career & my time

    I have choices in my career that deeply impact my life, and I accept that how I spend my productive hours also deeply impacts our global emissions.

  • my investments

    I choose my investments to get a return. And I set boundaries for my investments to avoid financing excessive emissions, while leaning toward innovative companies working to reduce emissions.

  • governance of my groups

    Living in a democracy, I accept responsibility to communicate my preferences to my elected officials. I extend this to my church & other groups I am part of.

Estimate your emissions.

CoolClimate Network provides a good tool I have used to estimate my emissions from direct energy use and my purchase of goods & services. Of course, it does not know exactly what goods and services I buy so it provides a rough estimate. CoolClimate is the best tool I’ve found and it is a great starting place in a journey to accept responsibility for my emissions.